Forthcoming Books

... musings and comments, probably to be read only by my brother and two other people.

July 5, 2007

The answer just how long it takes me to slowly fall over is 57 minutes, 55 seconds. I had two goals for my first crack at a 10K -- to finish without having to stop and walk and to do so in under an hour. Both accomplished, happily. Nothing like being 1,185th out of 2400. Score!

Almost done with An Arsonists Guide to Writers' Homes in New England. Good story with inventive narration. I really like the examination of the nature of character and story in the text, though I must call foul when Sam Pulsifer (one of the truly great names I've come across recently) stops in a bookstore and examines an earlier novel by Arsonists Guide... author Brock Clark. Rather than provide any context, this felt a bit silly.


Anonymous said...

Hah! Now I wish I'd said my guess, which was based on my observation that when I'm keeping moving, but not striding hard (i.e., no-one has "my" ball), I go about 9:20 a mile if there are hills. Times 6.2 is awful close.

I'll go 7:30 on the flat, and I can still run a 5 minute mile (I lost 20 pounds recently ... 192) but man, I don't enjoy it.

All my running has been in service of Cape Fear, for which I'm leaving tonight after rugby practice. So I'll be incommunicado for your upcoming Birthday ... the dreaded! The fan-tacular! The gateway to what was considered in the '70's "Middle-Age".

Tell you something, tho' ... the view's not bad from up here.

Have a great birthday. Love you, bro.


Anonymous said...

Holy crap. Now I *really* wish I'd said! If I did the math right, 9:20 would have been 57:51.6.

Eeerie. Specially 'cause you have longer legs!

I Loan Books said...

Wow, so I only have a pound or two on you these days... More salads, less beer!