Forthcoming Books

... musings and comments, probably to be read only by my brother and two other people.

August 28, 2008

I'm not dead, yet...

Three books worth noting:

Exit Music by Ian Rankin. Apparently a fan pointed out to Ranking that Rebus should now be 60 and therefore at retirement age, so this marks the end for the greatest single-malt swilling inspector from Edinburgh. Sniffle (wait, that's from my cold, really!).

Bit of a Blur by Alex James. I'm often suprised at how good these bios are from the British Indie bands, so I just may check this one out. If nothing else, one should be sure to check out In Search of the La's by Matthew Macefield. Fantastic look by a fan.

Rugby. World politics. HOLY @#$%-ing shit! A BOOK ABOUT RUGBY AND WORLD POLITICS!

August 4, 2008

I should know better...

than to make a promise to post every day. Pneumonia knocked me flat for almost two weeks, so I'm back to 'whenever the hell i feel like it' as far as this silly thing goes. I did just start Empire Falls by Richard Russo. I haven't read anything of his, but based on what I hear, I'll most likely have to tear through them all as I did with Larry Brown and Jon Irving.