Man, nothing better than a couple of Advance Reader Copies hitting my desk at 4:40 on a Friday afternoon. But wait, there's more! One of them is the new novel from Mark Frost. Frost, who was a writer for Twin Peaks, wrote two great novels back in the day, The List of Seven and The Six Messiahs. Then, I can only presume, he had kids who needed money for college, because he wrote non-fiction golf books. Gack. Even though The Second Objective is a stab at World War II / Hitler / historical fiction, I'm glad Frost is back telling stories...
Mark Frost is a thinker, yo. Clearly he will be able to work in Tom Delay's assertion that liberals are like Hitler for persecuting poor li'l Tom.
I really liked Frost's previous work (Not the golf ... am I getting that right?) in fiction, I found it Bodgerrific for reasons that C. at Forthcoming Books is well aware, e.g., said efforts' ability to cause Bourbon to shoot out my nose.
"You made it come out of my nose..." -Butterfinger
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