Forthcoming Books

... musings and comments, probably to be read only by my brother and two other people.

November 24, 2007

How did I not hear of this?

And here in the states we'll be stuck with yet another excreable Tim Allen Santa movie, I'm sure...


Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing when I Tivo'd it at Shannon's place Sunday night. They played it on ION, which is Direct TV channel 305. I haven't watched it all, yet, but watched just enough to think it might be good. John Warner (Time Bandits, Baby!) was the head assassin the Auditors contracted with, but I didn't get much further. Good production values, excellent kooky aesthetic ... I'm completely in. (Right off the bat--good lookin' A'Tuin.)

I'll watch it this weekend when I visit!

I Loan Books said...

Hah! I too found out that we have ION and taped it. I watched the first 10 minutes last night, and then stopped when I realized that it is 4 hours long. I need to be better situated before I invest the time. Yes, A'Tuin looked suitable impressive!

Anonymous said...

Armored Bear, comin' atcha.

Anonymous said...

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