Forthcoming Books

... musings and comments, probably to be read only by my brother and two other people.

December 11, 2007


See what happens when you leave the '20 hour job stretched out to 40' to take a real job? You neglect your blog, which was a great time filler at work. Throw in a stomach flu that hits the whole family, the advent of the silly season, and a new HDTV in the basement, and it's all over from there. To catch you up, here are the last few books I read:

The Colorado Kid by Stephen King... A nice little pseudo-noir pulp.
The Last Town on Earth by Thoma Mullen... Very good, but not great novel about a logging town in WA trying to keep out the Spanish Influenza. Some good commentary on what community is in this one.
Return to Spirit Lake by Christine Colasurdo... A dad recommendation, and well worth the time. Reminded me that it's time to take the kids up to see Mt. St. Helens.

I'm following up the Stephen King read by listening to Blaze, his last Bachman book on my commute. Not sure what else to start. Where's the new Pratchett galley when you need it? Speaking of Pratchett, the Hogfather movie mentioned below was fun. An awful lot of Pratchett's humor doesn't translate to the screen, especially the wizards at the Unseen University, but Death, Susan, and Alfred made up for that.

I want to go camping.

I wanted to embed this song from Lair of the White Worm, but the embed was disabled. Click to see it here. 20 years ago, my brother and I tried in vain for a long time to find any info about this song and where to get a copy of it. Thanks to and YouTube, it took me all of 12 seconds when I stumbled across the movie on cable the other night. Sometimes, the 1's and the 0's really work out, no?!

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