In the musical realm, I downloaded a replacement copy of American Music Club's Everclear from iTunes last week, and all is right in the world now. Everclear, along with a handful of others, is one of the great all-time ALBUMS. The songs all stand individually, but together they actually create something unique. Now, with a full admission that I haven't been able to follow the music scene as I once did, here are a few others great ALBUMS:

1 comment:
Well, as usual, I'm weeks behind on your blog. Kudos for the plug for Big Country, still one of the greatest bands of the last 25 years, and thoroughly underrated. Just bought a copy of their "Final Fling" DVD, and it's amazing. Sad that the ride came to an end....
I've got a crapload of books lying atop overflowing bookshelves, waiting to be read when I finally finish this degree...and it's mostly your fault.
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