Forthcoming Books

... musings and comments, probably to be read only by my brother and two other people.

July 30, 2007

From Jews to Indians

Comic books, escape artists, and Golems. Chabon really did write a masterpiece in The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay. It was, as a favorite rep of mine, Seafoye told me it would be... I didn't want the story to end. Today I'll read The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, a YA novel coming from Sherman Alexie.

In the musical realm, I downloaded a replacement copy of American Music Club's Everclear from iTunes last week, and all is right in the world now. Everclear, along with a handful of others, is one of the great all-time ALBUMS. The songs all stand individually, but together they actually create something unique. Now, with a full admission that I haven't been able to follow the music scene as I once did, here are a few others great ALBUMS:

You know what, I have to stop there, as I realize that I will only incriminate and/or date myself...

1 comment:

eliot4quartets said...

Well, as usual, I'm weeks behind on your blog. Kudos for the plug for Big Country, still one of the greatest bands of the last 25 years, and thoroughly underrated. Just bought a copy of their "Final Fling" DVD, and it's amazing. Sad that the ride came to an end....

I've got a crapload of books lying atop overflowing bookshelves, waiting to be read when I finally finish this degree...and it's mostly your fault.