Forthcoming Books

... musings and comments, probably to be read only by my brother and two other people.

June 13, 2007

Books & Booze

In using whiskey (American, so the e stays...) to describe Larry Brown's writing, I unwittingly assigned my brain the task of linking other authors and books to alcoholic beverages. This will continue for some time until I have enough entries to do either a menu or a newsletter! First up, Martin Millar's The Good Fairies of New York, is much like an Irish whisky -- edgy, raw, and full of promise. As an added bonus, this novel is the first place (outside of baby name books)I've seen my daughter's name, Ailsa, in print. Too bad she can't read this for another decade or so!

p.s. Buy this now, if you can. The new cover on the re-print is awful (see the link...)

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