Forthcoming Books

... musings and comments, probably to be read only by my brother and two other people.

May 21, 2007

Musical Interlude II

J and I went to see Colin Hay last night play solo/acoustic at the WOW Hall here in Eugene (where, you can be in the beer garden with maybe 12 other people, and have the lead singer of the Pixies sitting a few seats away, mostly unrecognized and undisturbed). Tix felt a bit $ when we bought them ($25), but I'd pay more than that to see him again. Listening to him, I realized that he is the anti-Sting. Both were in groups that were at their peak in 1984, and both served as the primary songwriter in said groups. Then, Sting found tantra and his music slowly slid into 'adult contemporary' hell. Colin's music, though, still has the same power that it once did. And, unlike the Bee-man, his voice is still as strong as ever. I'd much rather hear the raw, six-string version of 'Overkill' than the jazzy dumbing down of 'Roxanne.'

Colin is gregarious and funny onstage between songs, and truly thankful to be doing what he is doing. Check out his MySpace page to hear a few samples... two standouts from the show were 'Beautiful World' and 'Waiting for my Real Life to Begin.' And, of course, 'I Just Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over' played on a twelve-string was incredible.

And Sting? Get ready for the merchandising that will come with the $ Tour. I've been pitched a bunch of books, and hope like hell I won't see Police action figures in the toy aisle at Target.


tobster said...

Your impressions of Colin's show are spot on there mate. With a performance like that, you realize some of the commentary and story-telling is rehashed, but man he seemed genuinely pleased with himself last night. I had the impression that he was speaking with his own folk and his personal experiences would be appreciated by an audience like last night. Regardless, he was one witty and talented fellow. I really enjoyed his reflections on song writing, meeting Jack Nickolson, and goats. Anyone who thanks the sound guy and can appreciate the company of goats is a solid human in my book. Brilliant music. Nice sharing a pint with you and Jen.

Anonymous said...

First of all, Roxanne is "dumbed *up*" by Sting at, e.g., the Secret Policeman's other ball. Secondly, M.a.W. peaked here in Spring '83. They were going to rule the world in '82, but outside of VH1 Classic, it took Garden State to remind people about Hay, et. al.

Go Black Francis!