Forthcoming Books

... musings and comments, probably to be read only by my brother and two other people.

April 17, 2007

How Book Sales Explain Sibling Rivalry

I just sent an e-mail to the New Republic, hoping it makes it's way through to editor Franklin Foer. Every month I marvel at the number of copies we sell of How Soccer Explains the World, and was amazed that I had never made the name connection to brother Jonathan Safran Foer. Here is the e-mail:

Dunno if this will get through to Franklin, but I had to share this morning. How Soccer has been one of our bestselling books over the last year, as I have hand-sold it time and time again. Somehow I JUST realized the familial connection to Jonathan. Because I know I’d be keeping score, here are two numbers from our sales reports:

Total sales for How Soccer Explains the World in paper: 180

Total sales for Everything is Illuminated AND Incredibly Loud in paper: 42

Ps. MSI Rules (or, it did in the late 70’s and early 80’s anyway!)

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